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Legacy Foundation

A couple years ago, I did the paperwork to start a foundation for what I thought might be an evolution in a practice direction. I am ready to activate it with a slight course correction on the direction, to go in tandem with a total recognition and respect of where pharmacy has been, in order to get it back on a better track going forward.

I have told several brand new pharmacists very recently that I believe their generation needs to take ownership of the profession back in order to preserve its soul. I do believe that. The soul of the profession was in a much better place when the owner professionals were personally responsible to the people they served.

I am hoping to use this avenue to help house, preserve, add to, and make available to share a large collection of pharmacy tools, furniture, documents, art, and information that has been collected over a career spanning more than four decades. I would also like to provide a sort of living history set up to give insights to those that will come of what the process was before electronic technology.

This is a work in progress. More to come later.