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Legacy Stores

I've been thinking a lot lately about how it felt to work in an old drugstore in my earliest years of pharmacy. It was all about service. It was about providing quality of life to the community. It was about relationships of trust and responsibility. It was about being a dependable central pulse. It was about the Golden Rule. Drugstores provided medicinals dispensed with care and good advise, but that was just the main core of it. Special showcases held evening in Paris perfume, powders, lipsticks, jewelry, and special boxed candies. There was a humidore with special brands of cigars for Dr. Wilson and Mr. Dilday alongside the swisher sweets that appealed more to blue collar folks. There were sewing needles, sandpaper, guitar strings, scissors, newspapers, and magazines. Of course there were exquisite gifts. The ice cream and soda fountain was the jewel in the crown. It was magic.

Here we remember and honor those wonderful places full of mystery and exotic fragrance. I will start the gallery with my store, Priest Drug Company in Huntingdon, Tennessee that was in business 1924-1995, and under my ownership 1981-1995. If you have pictures to share, please email them to

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