The place that I started from had a deep richness of pharmacy heritage. The people that cheered me on, and gave me my solid pharmacy foundation, were the real deal. They taught me that the profession was Secundum Naturam, Secundum Legum, and Secundum Artem. A profession governed
by Science, Law, and Art. They were all about compassion, honor and trust. They were all about encouragement.
At that time, I was thinking in terms of becoming a pharmacist who enjoyed the Professional Legacy of those that came before me, and the Professional Legacy that I would have the opportunity and pleasure to pass through the years to those that would inevitably come after me. I had big old rose colored glasses looking out to the great body of good work that I was about to do.
So, as I was headed to the "big city" to train for a lifetime of work, they gave me a little party. Mr. Bush gave me a jar of peanut butter so I wouldn't go hungry, and Nan had them decorate the cake with our running joke from when the two little kids came in to get medicine for their momma, and had a hilarious exchange where one ended up calling the other one a fish eyed fool.
When I look at the cake now, I wonder if it was somewhat prophetic considering the mess that academia and corporate greed has gotten us into. If I had just known then, what I know now, I wonder if I would have proceeded differently through the years. Maybe, maybe not.
Now, in this environment, where I have heard my age group of pharmacists referred to as Legacy Pharmacists in a light that is not always coming from a positive or flattering slant, I am determined to own being THE Legacy Pharmacist and proclaim that this is a positive thing.
Legacy Pharmacists know about pharmacy, AND they know about life. Legacy Pharmacists have great experience, great judgement, and can sometimes prevent pain and suffering by picking up on the most subtle of signs and symptoms. We are assets to the profession regardless of the picture that is being painted by the corporate greed crowd.
So here I am now, so far away from this picture. So much water that has gone under the bridge over so many years. Still working on trying to be the best safety net I can be for the patients that I serve, still working on being able to be a credible partner with the other healthcare providers that I work in conjunction with, and still working on being able to pass along great nuggets of pharmacist wisdom to each young pharmacist and tech that I have the pleasure to work with. I Am the LEGACY PHARMACIST.